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Poster "Being with Animals"
The film is beautiful. The principles and teaching about animal communication given are very valuable and each of the presenters spoke clearly and with inspiration about their work. I like how you showed your personal growth and transformation with your dog, Bina, in the process.
The film opens up a new, unusual view of the relationship between animals and humans and shows the healing potential of empathic communication.
Salome Pitschen has succeeded in making a convincing film that gives its protagonists time to unfold their message, atmospherically dense and cleverly composed - my recommendation!
A wonderful film, with a top-class cast, that really gets under your skin! It opens people's hearts.
Despite its controversial subject, "Being with Animals" is not a lurid film, but an unbiased report, that leaves lasting impressions and stimulating food for thought.
"Von der Gabe, mit Tieren zu kommunizieren" von Irene Genhart, Der Landbote, 20. März 2019
"È davvero possibile parlare con gli animali?" L'Eco di Bergamo, 5. März 2019
"Sprechen mit Tieren", from Martin Frischknecht, Spuren Nr. 129
Fall 2018
"Jeder kann mit Tieren Sprechen" from Nicole auf der Maur, Luzerner Zeitung, Nov. 21.2018
Interview by Annina Just, Lokalinfo Zürich 2, Nov. 22. 2018
Radio Interview by Hans-Peter Künzi, DRS1, Regionaljournal ZH/SH, Nov. 27. 2018, starts at 12'45''
Radio Interview by Philipp Lustenberger, Radio Central, Nov. 19. 2018
"Die Welt der Tierflüsterer" from Oliver Loga, Tierwelt, Nov. 21.2018