
  • Maia Kincaid Ph.D., animal communicator

    Maia Kincaid Ph.D. is an Animal Communicator, Nature Communicator, Author & Founder of, and lead trainer for, The Sedona International School for Animal & Nature Communication. She is a pioneer in the field of Telepathic Animal & Nature Communication with over 20 years experience working with clients and students around the world.

  • James French, founder of The Trust Technique

    James French was backing young horses for the horse industry before he became a Reiki healer and animal communicator. From these skills he developed his own Trust Technique. Animals lay down in his presence and relax deeply so that healing can happen. Together with his partner Shelley Slingo he helps animals to find trust. He’s treating traumatised animals around the world. He teaches his technique to the staff of Rescue Centers and to people who care for animals. His technique helps to connect and heal both animals and people.

  • Monika Obi, animal therapist

    Monika works since over 20 years as a body therapist. She was educated in Shiatsu, Breath Work and Movement Therapy. Since almost 30 years she helps people with her sensitive hands, among them handicapped people, and cancer patients. 10 years ago she completed successfully her education in Animal Shiatsu. Since then she works not only with people but also with dogs and horses. Her Dalmatian dog Indo accompanies and supports her during therapies.

  • Fredy Knie Jun., animal teacher

    The animal teacher started working with animals as a little boy, specially with horses. His father Fredy Knie sen. was his best possible teacher: He was one oft he first horse trainers who acknowledged emotions and sensitivity of animals. He worked with them with sensitiveness instead of the common military style. Fredy Knie jun. has developed his own nonviolent method. It is based on respect, mutual trust, and on a fine tuned handling. He works a lot with his voice and uses a whip as his prolonged arm to give directions, and not to scare or hurt the animals.

  • Maycol Errani, animal teacher circus Knie

    Maycol Errani is the son-in-law of Fredy Knie jun.. The Italian acrobat discovered at Circus Knie his love and fascination for animals, specially for horses. He’s naturally gifted in communicating with and handling animals. He specialises in liberty horsemanship. Fredy Knie supported his skills and was a pathbreaking teacher for him.

  • Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, biologist, author

    Ru­pert Shel­drake is a bi­ol­o­gist and au­thor best known for his hy­poth­e­sis of mor­phic res­o­nance. At Cam­bridge Uni­ver­sity he worked in de­vel­op­men­tal bi­ol­ogy as a Fel­low of Clare Col­lege. In Dogs that know when their own­ers are com­ing home he demon­strates, that an­i­mals have tele­pathic abil­i­ties that most of the hu­mans have lost or for­got­ten about. He eval­u­ated more than 5000 sto­ries of an­i­mals, whose own­ers re­al­ized, that the an­i­mals know their in­ten­tions.
